Artist in Residence in Træna started in 2015 by Tenk Træna in a collaboration with the municipality, Træna Musem, Trænafestivalen and local partners. It’s partly financed by Nordland Fylkeskommue and Nordic Culture Point. Since 2022 Helgeland Museum is the project leader for AIR, still in close collaboration with Træna kommune and more!
Read more about AIR and find application forms on and
Follow updates, Open Calls, and information on the Artist in Residence Blog
List of selected AIR projects 2020
- Kine Hokholt Bjelland (NO), Floortje Zonneveld (NL) og Eva Bullens (NL)
- Arvids Baranovs, fotograf/filmer (LV)
- Polyfonatura: Jon Vatne and Eirik Havnes, lydkunstnere/filmere (NO)
- Maren Saedi, kostymdesigner (NO)
- Julia Kovale, kunstner (LV)
- Ethan Zagorec-Marks, arkitekt (US)
- Mate Rupic og Verdana Pecotíc, landskapsarkitekter (CR)
- Anna Sundin, Lorena Orrego Briceño, Lars Fridén, arkitekter/ lys-designer (SE)
- Chefs in Residence: Matr Food ved Jonas Lorentzen, Naina Gupta, Rickard Åkesson (DK/GBR/SE)
Follow updates on the AIR Blog
We are happy to announce the AIR Træna projects for 2020!

Kine Hokholt Bjelland (NO), Floortje Zonneveld (NL) and Eva Bullens (NL)
WHERE THE COASTLINE MEETS EACH OTHER is the name of the experimental collaboration project that will be performed during wintertime in Træna.
Experience Træna through the eyes of the local children and walk through their natural backyard as your own. This winter, the artists Kine, Floortje and Eva, have created an audio-walk together with the children; to whom the island is their home. Every rock, every part of the coastline, surrounding them, snow-covered or not, is their playground. You will be guided and participating, playing and connecting to the landscape as they do.
Check the project here:

Arvids Baranovs, Photographer/Filmer, Riga (LV)
Arvids Baranovs is Latvian photographer, a filmmaker who make expeditions around the Nordics. He came to Træna last year as an Artist in Residence to perform a project about Darkness/Light. The project will be continued this year. Arvids Baranovs has contributed to the festival film about Ta Træna med Storm 2019 and numerous amounts of pictures of the Træna scenery in wintertime.

Polyfonatura: Eirik Havnes & Jon Vatne, lyd/film (NO)
Polyfonatura er en eksperimenterende duo hvor regissør Jon Vatne har fulgt musiker og kunstner Eirik Havnes over 4 år. Filmen følger hvordan Havnes tar opp lyder i naturen for så å omgjøre disse til musikk, som igjen blir soundtracket til dokumentaren. Konseptet har også blitt videreutviklet til å bli et klubbkonsept, hvor lydene omgjøres til techno/house hvor Havnes spiller og improviserer live, mens Jon Vatne VJer med videomateriale fra filmen.
Kunstnerduoen deltar på Ta Træna med Storm 2020

Maren Saedi, Kostymdesigner, Myken (NO)
Maren skal jobbe med et prosjekt der klær og historia står i fokus. Det vil skje i samarbeide med Trænafestivalen og øvrige befolkningen på Træna. Prosjektet er under utarbeidelse og mer detaljer vil bli presentert senere.

Julia Kovale, visual artist, Oslo/Latvia
Julia Kovale is a Latvian artist currently based in Oslo. Having a background in fine arts, she passionately combines visual, typographic and environmental elements in her work. Julia is going to make a playful art installation in collaboration with Trænafestivalen 2020 and will also collaborate with the Architect in Residence Ethan Zagorec-Marks.

Ethan Zagorec Marks, Architect (US)
Ethan Zagorec-Marks was on Træna as an Architect in Resident during the autumn of 2019. He designed and constructed the wind shelter (gapahuken Havørna) furthest out on the island of Sanna. This year he will come back to continue the project and work with the interior design as well as perform activities and events around the architectonical landmark.
The project is a collaboartion with Træna Jeger og Friluft and Trænafestivalen.
Read about it all here:

Mate Rupic & Verdana Pecotíc, landscape architects, Croatia/Sweden
Mate Rupić and Vedrana Pecotić are a landscape architect-architect duo from Croatia, interested in new landscapes, people, stories and narratives to work in and work with. The project, titled «Træna by hand»/ «Træna for hånd» aims at viewing the local landscape both through phenomenon (geological, natural, associative and cultural) and a system of elements, factors and energies that create it. Through a series of weekly organized workshops (walks, storytelling, in situ drawing and sketching session) the goal is to understand the island landscape and its fragility. With the help of the local community and through mock-up workshops including alternative spatial scenarios, the landscape can then be answered and related to through vernacular building techniques in order to create a work of land art, a sculptural landmark or outdoor activities infrastructure, depending on the evolution of the project and community inputs.

Anna Sundin, Lorena Orrego Briceño, Lars Fridén, architects/ light designers, Sweden
Anna Sundin (architect), Lorena Orrega (light designer) and Lars Frideń (architect/curator) will make a project based on light design, cultural heritage and physical space. Their work will be based on stories and collaboration with inhabitants around cultural heritage in the coastal community.
Chefs in Residence: MATR Food
MATR creates New Nordic Historic food experiences.
«At Matr, we find our place in nature through food. With guidance from the New Nordic Manifesto, we take an investigative approach to food through philosophical and historic analysis. Along with a deep passion for wild nature, we combine fine culinary craftsmanship to create a distinct story within the food industry. We do pop-up social dining, catering, team-building, interactive tasting lectures & culinary tours in Northern Europe.»
In Træna MATR Food will collaborate with the winter festival Ta Træna med Storm where they will make food events throughout the festival.
They will also make events in March in Træna during the Workation Week.
Open Call for applications for 2020 – The open call is closed, but we accept submissions throughout the year.
Read more and find the application form here
List of artists for 2019
- Arvids Barānovs – photographer/filmer, Riga (LV)
- Jill Larsdotter – musician, Lovund (NO/SE)
- Folknery Music – musicians, Kiev (UKR)
- Jo Straube – photographer, Oslo (NO)
- Maria Dahl & Bendik Vatne – visuell kunstner og skribent, Bergen (NO)
- Kathrine Sørgård – photographer, Oslo (NO)
- Lori Hepner – 3D printer specialist, (US)
- Ethan Zagorec Marks – Architect, (US)
- Micah Sewall – writer, explorer, farmer, (US)
- Caro Krebietke – photographer, (DE)
- Chef in Residence: Petter Rolund Antonsen (NO)